My name is Kathrin and I am on a mission.

My biggest passion in life is to motivate and inspire other people to do something they thought they would have never been able to. Typical sayings like “of course you can do that because you have been doing it since you were little” don’t really help the situation. We all have to start at one point. When is your day 1?

Back to where it all began for me: in my childhood I was doing gymnastics, after a while I also fell in love with dancing and added it to my gymnastics lessons. When I was 18 I felt like I was ready for something new – that’s when I started to go to the gym. My goal was/is to work on my weaknesses and to enhance my strengths – both mentally as well as physically.

That basically was the beginning of my life long journey of “functional fitness”. Sports and athletics always played and are still playing a big part in my daily life. It helps me to let go, to feel myself and to develop further as a person. Day in and day out I’m challenging myself and love to take you with me on this with all the ups and downs that comes with it.

I started with social media while I was preparing to be on stage for a bikini competition. My coach told me to document my transformation and share it with the world out there to inspire other people and show that nothing is impossible. He definitely got me with the ‘inspirational part’ – so that’s when I created my account “fitness__kaykay”.

As fast as I’ve started with the bodybuilding as quick have I stopped with it. I realised that it’s not the physical appearance and the looks I’m striving for, it’s rather the sports itself and the performance aspect I’m in love with. I train to be fit, healthy and happy. And I like to do it at my pace, whatever feels right for me. Since then I’m using my reach to inform and educate people about what I’ve learned and what I’m experiencing everyday. Never forget for someone out there it’s always day 1. You never know what this person is going through in life right now – be humble, be cautious and be kind!

Let go through this together no matter what. Let’s cherish success, let’s share moments and let’s support each other – then there is one thing we all have in common and that’s the passion for being fit and healthy – being an #everdaywarrior! Let’s do this!